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May update


Project is currently in Milestone 3. For more info see below.


Hi everyone!

In short:

We’ve had a productive month focusing on back end development, finalizing the UI design and UX flow for the upcoming testnet launch next month. Our Roadmap is on track, and we’re diligently working on delivering the planned features by June 30th. This phase is crucial as it lays the foundation for future functionality. In 30 days, we’ll be ready to showcase the alpha launch and seek your valuable feedback. Stay tuned for updates as we progress towards our goals.

fyi: Highlights, Priorities and risks are mainly the same as last month as we’re still in pre-launch development mode and doing the final sprints before launch.

Top 2 Highlights since last update:

  1. Continued progress with the smart-contract preparation and development
  2. Re-working of the UX with an accompanying new UI in preparation for launch
  3. Continued discussions with the market for on-going feedback and to prepare a set of beta testers

Top 3 Priorities between now and next update

  1. Continue smart-contract research, preparation and development for implementation with the NodeBlocks MVP.
  2. Finalize UX flow and UI designs and implement for launch day
  3. Continue discussions with the market for early feedback on the MVP when it goes live and for early alpha testers

Risks (same as last update)

We need to keep momentum going. DAO governance is a hot topic and competitor creep is real. We need to keep the advantage of speed on our side. Simultaneously, we can’t rush anything because there’s a lot of nuances to a HT collection and settings that need to be provided to communities that could have significant financial effects if not done right. We need to move fast, but not rushed. We need to strike the balance between both extremes.

How you can help

Help us prepare a list of early alpha testers to provide feedback on the MVP for when it goes live

How to reach us


More info on Diamonds ERC-2535 here: Ethereum.org: https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-2535 Substack: https://eip2535diamonds.substack.com/

On track
Posted by
11 months ago
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