← Overview

Launch announcement - improved Project Overview 💅

What are we launching?

A revamped project overview page, to help you understand projects more quickly, and improve the quality and consistency of these pages across your organisation.

Why is this important?

The project overview is essential to help you share and discover what’s happening at work, and to running successful projects asynchronously. This feature is a gamechanger so it’s important we make it as good as possible.

What’s the UX?

There are two main changes to the project overview.

Firstly, we’ve gone all-in on enforcing a common structure and no longer support free-form project descriptions. Why make this change? Users struggled to add clear or complete project descriptions, and they were unsure what to write. Now we simply ask users to add the most important info: What does success look like? Why is this important? And where are the key links?

The second change is adding project update previews into the Overview page, and removing the /updates page entirely. This simplifies the nav, and gives more prominence to updates, making them easier to find, and harder to miss.

Here’s what the final result looks like including the new success, important, and key links sections, as well as the update previews:


NB. Apologies, but this is a breaking change as I couldn’t migrate project descriptions to the new format. So you’ll need to update your project overview page to ensure your fields and key links are added.

Who was involved in making this possible?

Thanks to @charles, @chris, and @luke, for giving feedback on this change. ❤️

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