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Launch announcement - subtasks ✅

What are we launching?

The ability to add subtasks to break large tasks into small steps and track progress.

Why is this important?

Subtasks were previously achieved by editing the task description in a cumbersome and tacky way. Adding explicit subtask support fixes this, and is important strategically as it helps ‘single player’ mode, which is key to our adoption strategy: Inidividual -> Team -> Organisation.

What’s the UX?


Every task has a subtask section where you can add subtasks into a checklist. Simply click the status icon to mark the subtask as complete. Drag and drop to reorder, and click the subtask to edit/delete.

I wanted to strike the right balance here between simplicity and power. To that end, subtasks are not the same as ‘full’ tasks and don’t have due dates, assignees etc.

Who was involved in making this possible?

Thanks in particular to @charles for his user testing and feedback on this feature. ❤️

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