← Overview

Macro in 2023


Ok so I wanted to update everyone on the plans for Macro in 2023. Here’s where we’re at:

  • Macro ‘works’ in letting you run successful projects async
  • but (!) it needs to be better to hit product market fit
  • we’ll be making some key product improvements over the next few months towards that goal

For Q1, all work will be structured into product improvements and marketing work. General product updates will be posted in this project, so this is the one to follow if you want the headline news.

What’s next?

Improvements to the project overview page - this is a gamechanger feature, so needs to be amazing.

The goal of Overview is to help you quickly understand:

  1. what success looks like
  2. why this project matters
  3. where key info lives
  4. who’s working on it
  5. whether it’s on track

Anyone, even a new employee, should be able to understand the big picture from Overview.

At the moment, everything rests of the project having a well-written description field. If the description is missing or poor, then the page fails at conveying 1, 2, and 3.

Can we restructure things to ensure that Overview always (or nearly always) communicates the important info, without requiring a well written description?

One approach is to force a clearer structure on the user, to be more opinionated.

Here’s what that might look like.


By splitting the description into 3 separate fields (success is , why important, and key links) we guarantee that the important info is present. It also makes projects more consistent, again making them easier to understand.

The current plan is to transition to something like the above shortly. There’s not an obvious migration path for project descriptions, so I’ll give a heads up when this happens, and what you need to do to update your projects.

As always, if you have thoughts/feedback on the above, please let me know. 🙂

Best, Tyro.

On track
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1 year ago
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