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Introducing Macro

Hey 👋,

Hidoki is now Macro. Here’s what you need to know:

  • The site is now hosted at https://macroapp.io
  • Your workspaces and projects are unaffected by this change
  • You may have to login again when you visit the new site for the first time (login here)
  • Project update emails will now have Macro branding and be sent from @macroapp.io, so please check your spam/promotions tabs just in case they end up there

Why Macro? Why now?

There’s something alluring about synchronous messages: video calls, phone calls, a quick back and forth on Slack. It feels like you’re being productive, like you’re getting stuff done. And we’re social beings, we all need human contact time, even the most introverted of us.

But something has gone wrong at work. We’re spending hours every week in Zoom calls when often a well-written email would do. And we’re constantly being interrupted, pulling us out of our flow.

And despite this overload of comms, it’s still too hard to find out what’s going on.

Macro is a single place to find out what projects are active, who’s working on them, and whether things are on track.

In short, it makes context sharable and discoverable, so that everyone, even a new joiner, can find out what’s going on quickly and easily. No Zoom calls required.

What’s the value? Your teams will make better decisions, have better morale, and save time.

The name Macro is meant to encapsulate this mission - helping you focus on the big picture at work.

Now it’s up to you

Building a culture where everyone knows what’s going on is hard. Macro is designed to make it easier, but you still need to work at it. So add projects, post regular updates, and bit by bit you’ll move towards a better place.


The benefits are enormous, just ask Shopify whose CTO credits this approach with increasing their growth by 5-10x, leading to a valuation of over $180billion.

And I’m here to help. So if you have any questions or feedback about Macro, don’t hesitate to let me know. You can email me at james@macroapp.io, or join the discussion in the General project here: https://macroapp.io/project/159.

Thanks again for being part of this journey,

James Founder of Macro, https://macroapp.io

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charles reacted with :eyes
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2 years ago
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