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New workspace overview page 🚀

Big changes to the site this week with the launch of the workspace overview page. This lets you see everything (updates/projects/threads) going on in your company quickly and easily, without having to deep-dive into your projects.



New pages launched. This includes:

  • Projects timeline - making it easy to visualise which projects are finishing, when, and if they’re on track
  • Latest updates - so you can see everything new in one place
  • Latest threads - see active discussions without clicking through to each project

NB. To enable the projects timeline to function well, project start/end dates can no longer be left blank. Existing projects have been updated with sensible defaults but you may want to double check your timeline to ensure your start/end dates are correct.

What’s next?

Feedback and iteration. Would love to hear what you think about the new page. Specifically, how close does it get to achieving the test I’ve set for this project:

Imagine you’ve joined a new company day 1, can you understand at a high level what’s going on quickly and easily, with no help from anyone else?

👍 2
charles, edwardlaver reacted with :thumbs_up
🚀 1
imogenmarshall29 reacted with :rocket
edwardlaver 2 years ago

To enable the projects timeline to function well, project start/end dates can no longer be left blank.

Could you leave it as optional and only show the projects with start/end dates in the timeline view perhaps?

tyro 2 years ago

Arghh, yes, could do that. Have gone a bit back and forth on this. 😆

Ideally, I want users to add start/end dates because:

  • it makes it easier to see all projects on the timeline - otherwise people may miss projects without realising
  • well designed projects should have a start/end date

In particular for the second, without a start/end date, a project isn’t really a project. How can you have goals/track success without a deadline? Constraints breed innovation and trade-offs.

I realise however, that there are two scenarios where a start/end date is difficult:

  1. When a product is very early and things don’t fit into neat projects
  2. When a team/division has more of a health/support role and doesn’t always work in discrete projects e.g. Customer Support.

For 1) I’d suggest creating an early catch-all project. E.g. Launch MVP or ‘Product Market Fit’ with associated goals and perhaps a length of 3-6 months.

For 2) Hidoki might not be the best fit. However, I do believe it’s the case that many support teams have ongoing projects/OKRs. E.g. Build knowledge base, reduce ticket time 50% this quarter etc. These kind of quarterly goals are a great fit for Hidoki.

tyro 2 years ago

Edit. For:

How can you have goals/track success with a deadline?

I meant to say:

How can you have goals/track success without a deadline? Constraints breed innovation and trade-offs.

On track
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2 years ago
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