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Differences between the snapshot milestones and forum milestones?

tyro 1 year ago


Love the project updates on this. I was a bit confused as the milestones in the snapshot and forum CIP are different - I assume we’re going off the snapshot ones. Is there a reason why they were changed from CIP -> Snapshot?

Thanks. 🙂

tyro 1 year ago

Update. @memebrains replied here in Discord that there was a discussion post CIP about updating the milestones based on feedback from Citizens.

Yes while the CIP was live we hosted a number of public discussions to get feedback from people, which we ultimately Inc. all into the final snapshot that went live for voting, that’s why there’s a little difference between the CIP’s and snapshot 👍 Some people said they wanted us to do more research before going too far ahead, so we modified the milestones to specifically include that

Thanks for the reply. ❤️

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